I thought that those of you who read Tantalising Tulips At Barleycorn and were infected with tulipmania, might be interested to see the colour changes in the tulips as they matured to full bloom. Black Parrot, which began life as a glaucous green with a hint of purple frill, grew into an amazing shade of blackish-purple with a deep blue centre. Green Wave, entirely green initially, with petals the same colour as the stem, transformed itself into vibrant yellow with viridian green stripes. Similiarly, with Pink Wave, which developed into a large frill of three colours, of mid-green, pale pink and deep pink around the frill. Texas Gold in its early stages was a very insignificant green with a whitish frill, which later changed to a sumptuous golden yellow with a frill of red lipstick. The pale red, green, white and purple of Esperanto deepened in intensity as it matured.
If you click here it will take you to my main blog where I write the story of the garden.
If you click here you can view my latest silk paintings.
Fantastically beautiful!!
kari & kijsa
Thank you so much for the lovely comment, Kari &Kijsa :)
i have always wanted to plant the black parrot, they are lovely to see in bloom especially since it is now the middle of winter.
What gorgeous tuplips and photos! I particularly like the fringed ones--they're so delicate they look like they will take flight up and out of the garden!
Wow. Nice shots! Beautiful photos with marvelus tulips!
I like your blog content too
* A warm welcome, Marmee, to our little corner of paradise :)
It is lovely to look back on this post about tulips from last summer :)
* I love the fringed ones too, Lynda. They are my favourites. I hope they bloom as well this year :)
* Welcome to you, too, Kostas :)
Thank you for the lovely compliments :)
i love your tulips especially the black parrots.
Such beautiful flowers and photographs
I love you
Thanks for your golden gift of friendship and all the joy you bring into my life
I love you
What a lovely surprise to find two friends here this morning :)
* Marmee, you are most welcome...tulips especially for you :)
* Dear Jeanne, I hope you are continuing to have a wonderful birthday week :)
kari & kijsa
A big thank you for coming here and commenting twice, Kari & Kijsa :)
Hi WG, what gorgeous photos...thank you for sharing them.
Glad you like them, Ruth :)
I have stopped blogging here meantime. Please visit me on my main blog...
I don't think I have anything as nice as these flowers on my blog, Our Flower Pot.
I slept under a blanket last night. This has been the coldest July ever recorded here in Ohio where we live. And it was only 59 F here this morning. August is starting out to be more of the same. I fear a climate change is on the way and each year will disrupt the lives of more birds and butterflies to say nothing about the polar bears.
Welcome, dear Abe...chilly indeed...here too... :)
I have stopped blogging here meantime...please visit me in my main blog...http://ourlittlecornerofparadise.blogspot.com
These tulips are beautiful.
Wow! Extremely gorgeous :D Very nice photographs of some beautiful flowers.
These tulips are just gorgeous. I have never beheld such beauty. Amazing.
Such beautiful tulips.
Simply stunning photos, they really bring the tulips to life!
Fantastic, beautiful, stunning....
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